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9 March 2004

Him again

Niall Cook, responding to a link from Tim Blair:

Have a gander at the comments to this post of Timothy Blair's and tell me he doesn't attract the worlds lowest forms of life to his reading room. Oh, by the way, Timmy, it's 19 and counting, but as I've always said, it's not about the readers, it's about the writing. A concept you can't possibly understand.

Given the stuff he writes, it's something Niall doesn't understand either.

Nice people

Alan Dershowitz has had a run-in with some typically psycho pro-palestinian peace-creeps.

That is what I saw: passionate hatred, ecstatic hatred, orgasmic hatred. It was beyond mere differences of opinion. When I looked into their faces, I could imagine young Nazis in the 1930s in Hitler's Germany. They had no doubt that they were right and that I was pure evil for my support of the Jewish state, despite my public disagreement with some of Israel's policies and despite my support for Palestinian statehood. There was no place for nuance here. It was black and white, good versus evil, and any Jew who supported Israel was pure evil, deserving of torture, violence, and whatever fate Hitler and Goebbels deserved.

They're also exactly the same kind of worthless, sociopathic scum who joined the Khmer Rouge and rounded up the Unenlightened Swill into the killing fields. The same worthless bastards who joined Mao's Red Guards.

Long may they all burn in hell.

The Queen of Cool ™

The great Cantinera, explaining her love for the local avian population:

It's too warm to sleep with the window closed, but there are loud birds outside my window, so either way I cannot sleep. Aren't those jerks supposed to chirp at dawn, not the middle of the night? Or is that just roosters? Whatever.

they are quiet in the day, but when it gets dark, they shriek. We have squealing bitch-owls or some other random asshole bird.

I hate them. I was so upset I ate a piece of Williams-Sonoma peppermint chocolate when I wasn't supposed to.

I am so sending my cat to get them tonight. I think they are in the tree outside of my window, so I should just toss my cat onto it and make her eat them.

Cantinera likes people telling her how great she is. If you'd like to make such comments, send them to me at tex {at} and I'll pass them along to her.

More on terrorist-lovers Pilger and Wilkie

From the latest Socialist Worker, comes a report of John Pilger and Andrew Wilkie's giving their support for the mad Saddamite bombers of Iraq at some commie pro-terrorist anti-war meeting:

"Whilst none of us can support the killings of innocents, we must support the idea of Iraqi resistance to this occupation. It is no different from any other colonial occupation.

"When the resistance does fight awful, terrible things happen, but where does the blame lie? It doesn't lie with the resistance, it lies with the invader, and the invader has to get out."

Pilger still misses Saddam I see. Andrew Wilkie has some mental problems of his own:

Summing up, Wilkie said, "I want to back up the people who've spoken of the need to keep talking, to keep speaking out, to keep getting out on the streets, to really support the 20 March rally.

"The people of Iraq really do need us to do this for them because they just can't 'move on' from this."

Hear that Iraqis? Your future depends not on the coalition rebuilding your infrastructure, or the signing of your new constitution, but rather on psychos like Pilger, Wilkie and other peace-creeps lending their support to the people who are setting off car bombs in your streets.


Richard Neville gives us the following website recommendations:

This is still an excellent, link-packed homepage, despite its pro gun stance:

The best newsletter on the web:

If you've never visited those sites, you really need to look at them now.


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