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Whacking Permalink Archive 29-8-02 Mark Latham, Labor, and pissing your pants for a living For all his hot air and tough-boy, blue-collar posturing, Federal Labor MP Mark Latham turns out to have a glass jaw a toddler could smash a fist through. Latham can dish it out, but he sure as hell can't take it. Latham's brusque act hides an intellectual paperweight, whose airhead bluster puts him alongside the likes of Hugh Mackay in resentful, leftie "we hate life and ourselves" gasbagging. Today's edition of The Age printed the text of his epic crybaby speech in parliament last week. It contained an assload of priceless, hypocritical, self-righteous bilge. This is just too easy to give a Fisking.....
Strangely, Latham doesn't detail these "demands". And it's a hoot for a Labor MP to talk of media lackeys, self-interested MPs, and interests. Coz we all know the independent media types Phillip Adams and Hugh Mackay aren't Labor lackeys, that Clive Hamilton runs a completely unbiased think tank, that Duncan Kerr isn't a self-interested politician, and that the (f)arts community and trade unions aren't "special interests".
What a twat: I seem to recall Labor giving us double-digit unemployment when they were in office (which I guess isn't as important as saying you care about workers, even while you're destroying their jobs). They did fuck-all about Aboriginal health or the "reconciliation" process in thirteen years, yet Latham feels qualified to lecture the current government on race relations. The real corker is his mention of migrants. Because we all know Labor politicians never say anything bad about migrants, don't we?
Yeah, I guess we should throw his ass in jail before he's been convicted of anything. What happened to all that labor civil-liberties and justice palaver?
Well the fuckwit who slandered Kirby lost his position and had his reputation pummelled by the press and the public, so he hasn't exactly escaped scott-free. And who the fuck are these "social reformers"?
Classic Mackay-ism. Big, emotive and quite meaningless sloganeering somewhat devoid of context or examples. Ah well. Depth of argument isn't Latham's strong suit.
Um, what?
I seem to recall him talking specifically about a certain group who would refuse a job because they didn't like it. Well I hate to break it to you Cecil, but I would class these people as "job snobs". Tsk, tsk. Taking out-of-context is naughty, Mr. Latham. What was it you were saying about proper behaviour?
Latham and his Labor goons, with their multi-million dollar parliamentary pensions, their insular, bloated, branch-stacking party-structure and relentless championing of unaccountable bureaucratic regulation, are now whining about a ruling class. What a sick joke.
Oh, these would be the same working people who support government policy over illegal immigration? The same ones who've voted you out of power since 1996? How dare these bastards not challenge the power structure and vote Labor!!! Don't these brainwashed scum know what's good for them??? (And does anyone else snigger at the likes of millionaire champagne leftists and red-tape enthusiasts like Latham, Keating, Hawke and Phillip Adams lecturing anybody about power and privilege?)
You'd think these thick-as-pigshit lefty whiners would come up with a new riff occasionally. Here we go again: Federal Labor policy is deeply unpopular with voters. But rather than party-hack dickheads like Latham admit they are totally out of touch with the real world, they lament that we are all becoming mindless, brainwashed robots under the terrible, secret influence of the Nazi Liberal Party.
Classic Mackay-ism: disguise the complete irrelevance of your own sorry-ass party, and your huge unpopularity at election time with some bland waffling about us all losing our true soul. News dude: you've lost three fucking elections in a row. Do you think, just maybe, that something stinks about the way you guys are doing things?
Here's a test for you Marky: give me an example of the government being "beyond criticism" or "beyond condemnation". People with your opinions seem remarkably free to speak them anywhere they choose. You seem to be confusing censorship with people exercising their rights to call you an idiot when you say something stupid. Sorry to disappoint you pal, but this aint Singapore - we're free to criticise who we want, when we want. Grow some testicles, you loudmouth wimp.
Yeah, the PM defends our current constitutional system. What a bastard!! And fancy him agreeing with our most powerful and most important ally - the Americans. Has he no shame? He should be doing what our brave, visionary leader Paul Keating did: sign secret defence deals with our lovely genocidal Indonesian-Junta buddies. I guess this is the Labor idea of leadership. And snivelling Labor windbags like you are in no position to lecture anyone about sovereignty, seeing as you plan to sign it away by signing every idiotic UN petition you can get your hands on, open our borders to people smugglers and presumably go back to your old habit of coddling Asian tyrants.
The union movement is representative of "community"? It doesn't even represent the workforce anymore.
Well Mark, you practically had a seizure when somebody called you a "jerk" in parliament. You accuse Howard of "sycophancy" for supporting our most important ally, yet you are silent about the support your enlightened, progressive, brave party gave to genocidal psycho General Suharto. Where was your big, brave, dissenting-voice-of-the-people then, you slimy hypocrite?
Attention all stupid people: Pauline Hanson is no longer in parliament
Mark Latham, you are a weak-kneed chickenshit of the first order: you can't give any examples of such "censorship". All you fucking weasels do is cry all day because evil non-Labor people have the temerity to criticise your policies. Like I said: grow some balls, Dame Edna.
What this means of course - in Latham's pathetically tortured, craven parlance - is the government puts forth its policies, and a majority of people vote for them. This cannot - in the mind of the out-of-touch idiot-left - be a display of a free, democratic population. Rather, it is always the sign of decay in our society's democratic process. Seems the likes of Latham are in favour of democracy except when they lose elections. He also doesn't seem able to explain one glaring problem with the "Howard is dividing us!!!" argument: if you Labor twats were ruling us benevolently - and we were all marching hand-in-hand to a glorious Keating-governed future - why the fuck were you dickheads utterly destroyed in the 1996 election? <...sound of crickets...>
Sure. There is a progressive consensus, yet you idiots still can't win elections. I would have thought there was a message in there somewhere. How is it if we're all supporting this evil, racist government, that the "progressive consensus in Australian politics is holding up remarkably well". You can't have it both ways. Then again, logic aint your strongpoint.
What fucking "progressive consensus"??? The coalition has won three elections in a row, you asswipe.
Interesting concept of social division Latham uses, considering the policies had overwhelming public support. Get over it, you loser.
What a fucking pathetic reprobate. Our government determines policy here. They are representatives of the Australian people, who voted for them knowing they had such policies
No, he agrees with their policy and wants to support them. Don't you understand the difference, you meathead? And besides, every time some Gaddafi-loving, Saddam-apologist UN employee criticises Australia, how come you Labor weasels can't wait to say "how may lick your asshole, oh master?", "where do we sign your treaty our public doesn't want?". Or more often, "how may we abase ourselves and apologise to the offence we have caused your glorious organisation?". You chickenshit, pants-pissing bastards need to fucking grow a spine before you lecture anyone about grovelling to foreign interests, you limp, gutless fucks.
Yet you seem perfectly content to do this yourselves. You're so desperate to suck on the politically-correct rectum of the UN, you seem to forget about your lofty principles on sovereignty, or looking after the best interests of your own country. God help us if you whimpering, spineless bastards get to represent our country before the world.
Excuse me while I barf. It's hard to believe this hare-brained rabble is the party of Ben Chifley.
What for?
We've already got one from your electorate.
Sometimes you wonder exactly what planet most judges come from. This cockhead and his fuckslut mother were on TV tonight, with idiot-boy saying he had no responsibility whatsoever for this incident. That guy
should have killed you, you little cunt. I'm hoping he breaks into your
house and bashes your fucking head into a pulp. Hopefully, afterwards
he'll fall over in your house, break a fingernail, and sue your ass for
personal injury. That would be true justice.
28-8-02 From now on, whenever I hear some lefty fuckhead tell me all cultures are equal, and western society is corrupt and lost it way, I'm going to show them this picture of Pakistani woman Zahida Parveen.
That's right, this prehistoric neanderthal Islamic gorilla-fucker did this under Pakistan's wonderful muslim tradition of Honour Punishments. Remember this the next time your hear Amir Butler blither about the dignity and values of Islam. Rachel
made me aware of this story, and Rachel knows exactly what we should do
with men like this: wipe them off the face of the earth.
The moral depravity of eco-loons Check out Rottweiler's slamming of anti-GM assholes who are starving people to death. I loved this quote from the article he references:
Of course,
the Africans are still blaming evil whitey for everything. Yeah,
I really wanna send these guys more money, don't you?
Arab League in Holocaust Denial symposium This
is just lovely. Will someone remind me again exactly why we should
open dialogue with and seek understanding of these friendly psychomuslims. 27-8-02 Jason Soon
over at Catallaxy has
a good piece on tiresome moralist bore and News Ltd. columnist Angela
Shanahan, who is blaming lack of jesus and general immorality in modern
society for the murder of the two English schoolgirls.
I was doing my daily Sydney Morning Herald scan. For the first time in ages, I ventured into Margot Kingston's awful webdiary section, and stumbled upon this entry:
And joy of joys, Margot includes the full text of Senator Nettle's speech, and what a shit-for-brains self-righteous "save us all from evil" crackpot she has turned out to be. The speech itself was full of the familiar weary anti-capitalist, anti-american hippy ideology we thought most non-smelly people had grown out of. It's depressing someone so completely removed from the real world could win a seat in the senate. Nettle began
with some nice-sounding blandisms, eh. All very nice so far, then the real fun starts.....
Oh, this'll be fun.
= capitalism bad, socialism good.
= see above.
= americans are evil, islamofascist psychos are "misunderstood". Force is never justified against anybody.
......a commitment to democracy which strangely never includes the unelected government regulators that would control your life in the greenie-world.
Let's not
have delusions of grandeur dearie. There
are currently two green senators in the Australian Senate.
Yeah baby, tax us to death and take our property. We selfish bastards need to be punished. Fuck all those hard-working home-owners!
What tragedy in Kakadu? Has this woman *seen* the place where they conduct the mining? I've seen more beautiful garbage tips. It's dry, ugly, clapped-out scrubland. So we're not exactly despoiling pristine wilderness, and the last I checked there were no animals or humans being poisoned/killed by this mining. Still, uranium = nuclear = Americans = evil. I believe that's how the value equation goes.
She's gonna save us all from the horrors of living in the best country on earth with the highest standard of living.
Well a grand total of two senators isn't exactly a great testament to your supposedly growing public consensus.
It's not "increasingly" familiar. Land clearing and pollution has been around for a long time.
Here's where
the fantasies start: environmental damage the result of economic fundamentalism
and the capitalist global hierarchy. Nothing to do, I suppose, with corrupt
governments in third-world toiletbowls
Ideological paranoia, greenie hypocrisy and historical cluelessness all in the one paragraph.
The small problem with this inane thesis is that governments who support such policies keep getting elected all over the world, while ideological warriors like Nettle win a stunning total of TWO seats in the Australian senate. I guess the uneducated dullards in the suburbs must have been brainwashed by the Illuminati or something.
Typical Hugh Mackay / Margo Kingston / Phillip Adams drivel: people showing in every election that they couldn't give a rat's arse about the pious crusades of the likes of Nettle. But rather than the being seen as the outcome of the democratic decision of the population, we get waffle about the "true voices" of the people being "silenced". It's remarkable how someone elected to the Australian senate could be so utterly clueless about the democratic process.
Stalinist Sludge 101: "The capitalist cabal is controlling our lives and institutions. Only we can't give you any specifics". People exercising free trade and exercising their democratic right to vote for who they want is apparently "a creeping coup detat". Nothing as horrifying to a socialist as people making their own decisions, the bastards.
Well, it would get a little crowded. And people can always vote for governments who resist such evil - and as the Greens' stunning electoral success shows - they aren't. Besides, the leftie squealers who announce themselves the Voices Of The Oppressed have some funny ideas about letting people's voices be heard - like stopping a busload of NGO speakers from entering a certain free trade conference in Melbourne. But hey, only YOU guys are qualified to decide who gets to talk, right?
Sure they are. This is why we have 18-month waiting lists in public hospitals, why the "victims of telecom" group was formed and why my fucking mail never gets delivered on time, and often to the wrong house.
You're a great loss to the USSR senator: the citizen has zero control or ownership of "public" utilities, and if they don't like it, there's fuck-all they can do about it. I'm not convinced everything needs to be privatised either, but let's drop the pious commie bullshit OK? .....(several paragraphs of waffle about Australia selling it's sovereignty away with naughty free-trade agreements)....
Is she serious? Does she actually believe people are going to be bringing waste into this country against our wishes? Haven't people like Nettle been bleating endlessly because our evil fascist government has been exercising it's sovereign democratic rights in rejecting people smugglers and the Kyoto agreement? Isn't national sovereignty and protecting the borders a bad thing?
Right. We know how much our Chinese, Iraqi and Saudi friends are interested in friendship and equity.
Oh lordy. Here's a clue: a bunch of spoiled, rich islamic fundamentalists decided to exercise a plan for terrorist mass-murder. I guess we should have sat down with them and had counselling sessions beforehand, apologising to them for how evil we western types are.
Exactly what "imbalance" are you going to address? Osama Bin Laden is (was) a billionaire. The terrorist in Sep11 all came from financially healthy families. Where are all the Ethiopian terrorists, hmm? Funny how the origins of these groups are all wealthy islamofascist sects, and not an income group, but I guess it's not PC to point that out. Here's the deal: you twats can sit down and have meetings with them. Personally, I'd rather just kill the fuckers before they kill us.
I guess it can't just be that our government agrees with the USA. But no. In the mind of the kindergarten-left, there is only the evil yanks and their brainwashed allies stomping all over the oppressed tyrants of the world. How sad.
And told them what? This is the real deal dumbasses. Action is called for, and all you can offer is "let's all just get along" platitudes. Then Nettle really loses her marbles;
Well, we're closer to this comic book world than your silly-arsed leftie loonie-bin, where genocidal tyrants should be appeased, and where there is no moral distinction to be made between the likes of Saddam Hussein and the world's most powerful democratic nation. Anti-American infantilism at it's finest
Oh, so you're in favour of sanctions? That's not what you say below.
Yeah. Then again, we haven't got around to using them on everyone around us as soon as we get our hands on them
So...instead of the entire Muslim world wanting to exterminate jews, they'll want to exterminate jews?
Well what are your peace plans, oh wise garden-fairies?
Indeed there is. And perhaps you'd like to explain why Hussein has rejected and obstructed them at ever turn for the last decade. If he was willing to play ball, he would have done so by now, don't you think?
Yes you heard it right: we must restore "dignity and autonomy" to iraq. This is all the west's fault. Saddam is an incidental player in all of this apparently.
And how are you going to do this while Saddam is there, you dipshit lefty airhead cunt?
Fact check: Saddam sells around $12billion of oil per annum the last time I checked, which he is free to spend of food, medicines and basic health infrastructure. yet he builds palaces and funds Palestinian terror groups, while his population dies. In other words - you pixie-addled fucktard - he's got the money to do this himself, and he doesn't. Of course, to the loon-left, it's all the Americans' fault.
Exactly. Only this comes through encouraging democracy and productive economic activity, not licking the arseholes of every tinpot dictator on the planet and lining their corrupt pockets with aid money which will never reach the people.
Sure. Only your vision for this wonderful world would have every bureaucratic restriction imaginable strangling economic activity, and have western democracies begging for forgiveness from every genocidal psychopath and islamofascist on earth. The Nettle-idiot-left are ultimately not the least bit interested in finding a solution for any problem. They are people for whom ideas will always be more important than people. The Nettle crowd are people who's entire mindset rests within a never-ending fantasy where no matter how successful their own reality is, they will still want to save us from it. Because they are smarter than us. Because they know better. The enemy is always capitalism, the americans, and individual choice, and these things must be stopped, no matter what level of catastrophe they visit upon everyone else in doing do. It doesn't matter if your solution to a problem makes the situation worse, as long as it's not what the americans are doing. Doing the non-american thing is Ideologically pure, and the Ideologically pure is always better, no matter what the cost. We could see this ideology in every batty leftist USSR/Castro apologist in the west, who thought nothing of their Red Brothers exercising vicious tyranny over millions, because those same folk exuded the language of brotherhood, egalitarianism, and enlightenment, while the blood busily flooded under their bootheels. No acts of genocide, no level of cultural destruction, will in the minds of people like Nettle ever equal the horror of americans selling consumer goods to people who want them. The pathological lunacy of the left never seems to evolve. It'll always be the same, pathetic, envy-laden screeching of a five -year old kindergarten bully who wants his ice-cream - not because he's hungry, but because someone else has it and he thinks they shouldn't. If enlightened
socialist thinkers like these ever controlled the world, we'd all be better
off in Somalia. Looking for older whackings? |