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13 September 2004

In case you were wondering

I've been ill.

I'm better now.


Quote of the day

I am no enthusiast for the democratic process, which I just regard as little more than a system of legitimising proxy mugging. I can see a role for democracy as a countervailing force even in a limited-government minarchist state, but as currently practiced it is rarely more than just a way to try and appropriate the money of others, impose restriction on competitors and generally add the force of law to personal prejudices in ways that conflate state and society to the profound determent of the later.

- Perry de Havilland, Samizdata


The World According to George Monbiot

While in the midst of my last virus-induced vomiting fit, I had time to peruse George Monbiot's website. It's not an activity I'd recommend to healthy people.

Reading his collected thoughts reminded me of the final scene in one of the Pink Panther movies, where Herbert Lom's character - driven mad by his hatred of Clouseau - lies straightjacketed in a padded room, writing messages on the walls with a crayon between his toes.

Monbiot's mental powers may be on par with Inspector Dreyfuss, yet in today's world, Monbiot gets employed by broadsheets like The Guardian, saving the taxpayer the cost of keeping him medicated.

Monbiot's worldview is an upchucked hodgepodge of dreary Marxist prophecy, Luddite pre-industrial fantasy, sub-Chomsky politics and ecological paranoia.

Yet what sets Ol' Moonbat apart from his hate-the-world ideological comrades, is just how much he seems to enjoy wallowing in his own misery. While raving batheads like the ISO, radical Islamists and the Greenies are at least marching towards some nutty new dawn, George seems to spend most of his time saying we're fucked, and we deserve it. All that's left is to strip off our clothes and go hump fruit in the forest.

There are three obsessions which seem to feed everything George writes:

1a- Modern society is destroying the environment.
1b- No-one, especially not capitalists, must be allowed to use market mechanisms or new technologies to limit environmental damage.

2a- We are running out of food so everyone will starve to death.
2b- No-one, especially not capitalists, must be allowed to increase food production to feed the hungry.

3a- the capitalist system exploits the third world and keeps it poor.
3b- No-one, especially not capitalists, must be allowed to globalise their businesses and give opportunities to the third world.

That pretty much covers everything he writes. Let's look at some specifics.

Take George on energy:

The oil industry tells us not to worry: the market will find a way of sorting this out. If the price of energy rises, new sources will come onstream. But new sources of what? Every other option is much more expensive than the cheap oil which made our economic complexity possible.

Gosh. Sounds like the end, don't it? I guess people with brains could point out several hundred examples of new products getting cheaper as a new market develops, though this seems a little beyond Monbiot. Or more likely, solutions scare Monbiot, as they tend to play havoc with his apocalypse fantasies.

Think I'm being mean? Have a gander at his sociopathic ideas on environmental aesthetics:

Like other lifeforms, we exist only to replicate ourselves. We have become so complex only because that enables us to steal more energy. One day, natural selection will shake us off the planet. Our works won’t even be forgotten. There will be nothing capable of remembering.


It seems to me that the only higher purpose we could possibly possess is to seek to relieve suffering: our own and that of other people and other animals. This is surely sufficient cause for any project we might attempt. It is sufficient cause for the protection of fine art or rare books. It is sufficient cause for the protection of rare wildlife.

Biodiversity, in other words, matters because it matters. If we are to protect wildlife, we must do it for ourselves. We need not pretend that anything else is bidding us to do so. We need not pretend that anyone depends upon the king protea or the golden toad or the silky sifaka for their survival. But we can say that, as far as we are concerned, the world would be a poorer place without them.

Not surprisingly, Monbiot - horrified by the prospect of despoiling ecological aesthetics - has no problems with bludgeoning us all into becoming good, green, global citizens. He wants to ban private motor vehicles, air travel, stop the evils of advertising and tax corporations till they choke. We can't help the poor to grow GM crops to feed themselves, because GM food is, um, evil or capitalistic or something.

Oh, and have I mentioned his...erm....interesting ideas about economics?

Capitalism is not even mathematically possible, let alone biologically viable

Yes, that's a real quote. It comes from this essay:

We are going backwards. The reason should not be hard to grasp. Our economic system depends upon never-ending growth, yet we live in a world with finite resources. Our expectation of progress is, as a result, a delusion.

He might be on to something here. Well, except from all the actual progress which has taken place I guess.

Capitalism is a millenarian cult, raised to the status of a world religion. Like communism, it is built upon the myth of endless exploitation. Just as Christians imagine that their God will deliver them from death, capitalists believe that theirs will deliver them from finity. The world’s resources, they assert, have been granted eternal life.

It's kind of like saying that your average doctor believes in immortality.

It is possible to change the way we live. The economist Bernard Lietaer has shown how a system based upon negative rates of interest would ensure that we accord greater economic value to future resources than to present ones. By shifting taxation from employment to environmental destruction, governments could tax over-consumption out of existence.

Uh, what?

Oh wait, here's the money quote:

Overturning this calculation is the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. We need to reverse not only the fundamental presumptions of political and economic life, but also the polarity of our moral compass. Everything we thought was good—giving more exciting presents to our children, flying to a friend’s wedding, even buying newspapers—turns out also to be bad.

Lovely bloke. Providing for your children, consuming for enjoyment and travelling to see friends is evil, but dismantling modern society for the sake of ecological aesthetics is the new moral imperitive.

Not surprisingly, Monbiot drops his moral objections where it suits him. He flies the Evil Skies to give international lectures. He travels by car when he needs to. Global corporations and the mental pollution of advertising are A-OK when they help to sell his books. And the bloke seems rather keen to appear on the idiot box at every opportunity.

Monbiot builds his ideological comforts on the lives of others, discards his ideals when they prove incovenient, then has the nerve the lecture the rest of us on responsible citizenship.

I've finally worked out what I'm reading: this is Mein Kampf on acid.


"Suicide-bombers are evil, but...."

The Green Left Weekly gives us their view on the Jakarta bombing:

Such acts are inhumane, stupid and futile. But they are also a symptom of a world where poverty, desperation and hopelessness about the future, and humiliation of culture, religion, race and nation are more and more pronounced. These evils are driving some people to acts of insane cruelty.

Those who can most be held responsible for this situation are the people in power: those who decide things; who design how the world works; who declare wars, invade countries, support foreign occupations and blithely continue policies wreaking economic terror on the billions of people who live in the Third World.

Natually, when Islamic lunatics conduct their slaughter, the Israelis aren't without blame....

The Australian government should also end its support for the barbaric and cruel occupation by Israel of Palestine. It must immediately announce an end to its shameful support for the Israeli wall of terror.

And while we're on the subject on Israel and the Green Left Weekly, check out terrorist-loving hag Rihab Charida's report from Ramallah.

Oh, and as for the Beslan massacre, you'll never guess where the Green Left's sympathies lie.


Another car I want

I gots me a hankering for a Holden HSV Maloo ute

Firebreathing performance, great looks, nice interior, and I can stick my bikes in the back.


Christ, not again

Crazy Joe Vialls' reaction to the Beslan massacre and the Jakarta bombing: psychological warfare and mini-nukes launched by the Zionist cabal in New York.

No, really. It's amazing these Zionist plotters ever have time to go to the toilet.


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