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8 September 2003

Quote of the day

Who cares about what the French are doing when my tits feel heavy?

- The great Cantinera, explaining why she's never taken up blogging

Today's tasteful political cartoon

From that blubbering rag, The Canberra Times:

Yup. Prime Minister John Howard... conservative = terrorist

Ah, so clever and witty these leftie commentators. Check out Pryor's other dreck.

The Truth hurts don't it Mr. Fisk?

Imagine the date is September 12, 2001. Ask yourself this question: Are you willing to bet that two years will pass and there will not be another terrorist attack on American soil?

I will wager that there is not one person reading this column who would have made that bet two years ago.

There is only one reason for this relative security that Americans enjoy. It is not that the terrorists have given up their violent agendas or their hatred for us. They have not. It is not because America’s borders are secure or because America’s internal security systems have been successfully overhauled.

There is one reason – and one reason alone – that Americans have been safe for the almost two years since the 9/11 attacks.

That reason is the aggressive war that President Bush and the American military have waged against international terror and its Axis of Evil. The war on terror has been fought in the streets of Baghdad and Kabul instead of Washington and New York. By taking the battle to the enemy camp, by making the terrorists the hunted instead of the hunters, President Bush and the American military have kept Americans safe.

- David Horowitz

Two wheels, big red heart, one brain cell

Been ploughing through my copies of Two Wheels, when I came across a column by Grant Roff.

Roff is an example of so many petrolheads I meet: reverse rednecks. Fat, ageing, leftist yobbo gastropods who spend their lives drinking beer, farting, talking bikes and screeching about how the Americans are to blame for them becoming ugly old cunts with no girlfriends, crappy jobs, zero IQs and low incomes.

This particular cockstain - writing under the name "Groff" - is a confessed 'former' communist who is perpetually grumbling on about evil capitalism not giving him stuff for free, about how capitalism is evil coz he doesn't earn as much money as Bill Gates, and how he has a permanently shrivelled dick because he's weally, weally scared of big, bad Americans.

I give you these particularly brilliant comments:

America has been in the news quite a bit recently. It's president, despite knowing that his country consumes about 80 percent of the world's resources and its economic and foreign policy enslaves most of the planet, doesn't understand why it's the subject of terrorist attacks. Here's a tip even Althea could give your George: assist in the more equal distribution of wealth

Yes, maybe he could stop all the foreign aid to Africa give some money to the billionaire Osama Bin Laden.

Turns out his self-righteous America-hating rage has less to do with his kindergarten geopolitical analysis, and more to do with the fact he was refused entry for lying about being president of this bunch of scumbags.

Naturally, like all socialists, this man who proudly allied himself with the most murderous ideology in history now blithers about the vicious nature of American bureaucracy.

Emily rocks

Hawthorne's finest citizen rips into Euroweenie culture snobs and the horrid Yoko Ono.

Saddam's bum-boy wails again

The journalist pines for his would-be paramour, who was deposed before he could receive the analingus only a tongue as skilled as Pilger's could provide...

John Pilger - who has never met a mass-murdering psychopath he didn't adore - becomes more of a west-hating sociopath every day.....

The brutality of the occupation of Iraq — in which children are shot or arrested by the Americans, and countless people have “disappeared” in concentration camps

"Concentration camps". Sweet jesus. I loved this line:

murdered journalists, toppled statues and encouraged wholesale looting

Oh, and apparently the evil white people are slaughtering protestors:

When Iraqis have protested about this, the extremists from outside have shot them dead.

And his opinion of American & British troops?

They are no different from the death squads the Americans trained in Latin America.

Yeah. Lots of fearless, intelligent journalism here folks.

Freedom of speech, commie-style

The sociopaths at International Socialist Organisation reckons the real reason Pauline Hanson deserved to go to jail was not electoral fraud, but racism.

Hanson's real crime is that she talked about "freedoms" while taking advantage of democracy to attack the rights of blacks, migrants and refugees.

They're a little short on detail as to what "rights" hanson was attacking.

If Hanson's appeal is successful or her sentence reduced, it will legitimise undemocratic practices and give a green light to racism.

Whatever you say Tovarich. They hate Hanson, but they seem awfully keen on that noted humanitarian, V.I. Lenin. Hanson used impolite language, Lenin implemented a system which murdered millions.

Welcome to modern socialist thought.

About time

Paul Bickford has finally scored himself a readable blog.


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