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30 October 2003

Bedwetters Inc.

The Webdiary howler-monkeys give us these choice cuts from today's outbreak of leftist panic;

Howard's team mauls our latest outbreak of democracy

The Greens now matter and Howard is out to destroy the latest people's movement

But pride of place must go to a piece of truly crazed gibberish by one Jon Hulme:

We learn nothing from history. A colleague of mine pointed out that the recent visit by Bush had all the hallmarks of Hitler's visit to Paris the day after its Fall on June 23, 1942.

The compliance of Australia is no less than capitulation. John Howard's egotistical attempt to grab the world stage and appease his US taskmasters while placing the country under greater risk of attack frightens the hell out of me. Yet, I find it amusing that the most fearsome, murderous repressive regime is so easily replicated by our so called democracy because of Howard's vanity. Hitler's visit was nothing more than sightseeing of a country under his control. Remove Hitler's name from that last sentence, replace it with Bush and you'll find a striking parallel to today.

The length at which the media was controlled, the people subdued and the leader's protected from all criticism is essentially fascism by any other name.

The Greens were the only voice of dissent heard during this time. For that I thank them, for representing my views and showing extreme courage where others are too cowardly to speak up or gagged by a opportunistic lying fascist with bushy eyebrows (pun intended).

Look out John Howard, because when my kids read the history books in fifty years, I'm sure that's how you'll be remembered.

How blessed we are to have the likes of Mr. Hulme to show us the voice of reason.

....and speaking of assholes......

Peter promoting his latest book, I Wish I Was Osama

Peter Fitzsimons - former Aussie Rugby Union player and terrorist-sympathising surrender-weasel - is back with his "be nice to the poor widdle bombers" riff.

At the very least, at the bare, hungry sniffin' minimum, can we acknowledge that there really is some defence in decency?

I refer to a story written by Herald journalist Tom Allard this month, where he quoted a leading South-East Asian terrorism academic, Dr Rohan Gunaratna, speaking at the National Press Club, saying that though there had been sleeper cells of Jemaah Islamiah in Australia in the late 1990s - including around Dee Why - the problem is they had essentially gone troppo and enjoyed their time here too much to go ahead with the dastardly terrorist plans they were meant to execute.

"Australian ethos had dulled their ideological convictions," Gunaratna said. "They were sympathetic to the cause but didn't want to die for it."

Fitzsimons - a grown man with no drug problem - is arguing not to worry about terrorists, because they'll love our lifestyle so much they'll becoming dinky-di aussies. If you think I'm quoting out of context, read on:

It is not hard to imagine the members of that cell attending their children's school concert and looking around in the crowded hall at all the smiling faces, seeing their kid on stage beaming out at them, and wondering whether it was really a good idea to let off bombs and the like among such a friendly and welcoming people.

And say, Ali, would you like to bring your missus and the kids over to our place on Saturday arvo, before we have a game of beach cricket?

Of course, I am hypothesising. But it's a fair bet that for the terrorist's rage against Australia to dissipate to the point that they did not want to follow orders to unleash hell, they had to be treated with decency and I say "good on yers, and thank you", to those who did.

Can the reality-distortion curve of leftist ideology really be this insane? What does he think the Bali bombers were surrounded by - hook-nose Jews with scimitars disembowelling muslim babies? Why didn't the smiling faces of the Sari Club patrons put these Islamic psychopaths off their happy little misson of mass-murder?

What indecent hell, pray tell, were the comfortable, educated and wealthy sep11 hijackers surrounded by before they carried out their mass-murder? What of the innocent, smiling faces of those on the plane before the knives came out? Should not the hearts of these fine noble terrorists have been melted?

Tempting as it is to join the "let us love our killers" movement, weak souls like myself have this strange idea that Islamonazis can't be negotiated with, and if someone is planning to kill me, I'd rather kill them first.

More evidence of the effectiveness of gun control

A man was shot dead this afternoon at a Sydney service station - a week after the NSW Police set up Task Force Gain to target gun crime and make the streets safe again.

Wasn't making guns illegal supposed to stop people from getting and using them?

Naturally, the opposition spokesman is calling for even tougher gun regulations. It will make illegal weapons, um, more illegal.

Your tax dollars at work folks.

Just what you always wanted

A great resource for bad commie artwork and photographs. Woo!! Get your cop-killer Mumia pics here!! And stinky protestor photos!!


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