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16 November 2003

Quote of the day

You can play with your magic nose goblins.

- Ren Hoëk

Yes, it IS the Arabs' fault

Grotesque stupidity of the day comes from Niall Cook (I've added my own emphasis to my favourite bit);

I'm quite sick of seeing supposed Zionists, or supporters of anything and everything which eminates from the Jewish state or Jewish support groups and thinktanks labelling anything said or written opposing the Israeli position on middle-eastern politics as anti-semitic.


For mine, I believe the Jewish state has a right to exist, and a right to protection of its citizens. I also believe that Palestinians living within what is known as the Jewish state of Israel have the same rights. After all, Palestine existed for millenia before Israel. Violence perpetrated by either side against the other is futile, proving and solving nothing. I believe the only way to peace for both nations, and I do believe Palestine to be a nation state deserving of the name, is for both parties to use intelligence, logic and rational thought processes to find a solution. Compromise is the only way, and in compromise, both sides in any dispute have to give way. There is nothing anti-semitic in compromise, just as there is nothing anti-semitic in disagreeing with the Israeli actions against Palestinians. There is, however, a teminology which exists for what the Israeli nation would prefer for the Palestinian nation. It's called genocide. Oh, the irony of it all.

Dear Niall,

I contemplated not responding to this sickening bilge, but I realised your attitudes are most likely based in your lack of coherent thought patterns and an ignorance of history. So, for your benefit, here are some quick points you may want to consider.

If Israel desired the genocide of Palestinians, it would have happened by now. It hasn't despite it being well within their capacity to do so.

Arabs, on the other hand, have made plenty of efforts to exterminate Israel, and failed. The 1967 war for example, where a bunch of peace-loving Arab nations tried to drive the Jews into the sea, got their arses kicked and their territory captured, and started screeching about the nasty Jews "occupying Palestinian land".

Given that Israel is a democratic society built on principles of human rights and rule of law (something not one single Arab country can claim), they do not have a desire to exterminate their neighbours, they want their neighbours to stop trying to exterminate them. Do you not understand the difference?

"Compromise is the only way, and in compromise, both sides in any dispute have to give way."

Oh? Then please explain why the "Palestinians" (quotation marks because no such nation has ever existed) have rejected every compromise offered by Israel, including Ehud Barak's proposal, which included:
- a separate Palestinian state with it's capital in Jerusalem
- 95% of the West Bank
- All of the Gaza strip
- control of the Temple Mount

- an offer of thirty billion dollars as compensation for the 1948 refugees

Arafat - of course - rejected this proposal (why have peace when there are Jjews to be killed?).

Tell me Niall, what else does this country - which owns the barest fraction of the land and almost none of the natural resources - need to do before Arabs stop their psychotic Jew-hating genocidal rage?

Apart from allowing themselves to be slaughtered, the answer is "nothing".

The Jews - despite having no moral requirement to do so - have done everthing they can short of suicide to compromise and make peace with the Arabs.

The Arabs do not want peace, they want Israel wiped off the face of the earth.

Get it?

Until the Arabs pull themselves out of their diseased culture of barbarism, murder, hatred and envy, there will be no peace in the middle east. And the Arabs will be entirely to blame.

Home-grown crazies

If you haven't done so already, check out the psychofreaks on the aus.politics newsgroup:

Lots of jew-hating:

The Israeli's have just attacked Syria, a sovereign nation. That is an act
of war, and I hope the Arab world pulls together and retaliates against the

I hope the Syrians and Iranians get their act together to build weapons of
mass destruction to defend themselves from these Zionazi aggressors.

Another chap is generously posting the Protocols of The Elders of Zion.

And there's the lovely thread Should Jews Be Exterminated?

Switching lunacies, one nutcase sees "Australian Idol" as a plot by fundamentalist Christians to overthrow society:

I read where the leaders of a fundamentalist christian church have
contacted churches throughout Australia urging their members to vote
for Guy Sebastian for Australian teen idol who is a member of their
church. Obviously if Guy wins they will use him to market their
religion to gain more power and money.


No doubt abortion will soon be raised as a big issue in Australia by
the fundamentalist christians will a big influence in politics in
Australia like they do in the USA.

I also recommend the collected posts of raving anti-semite loonies Fasgnadh, Peter Terry and The Man. Peter even has an e-mail address. Be sure to send him a virus or two.

Oh, and I actually work at the same place as this fellow. He actually refers to Australia and USA as"The 4th Reich" and talks a lot about "Zionists".


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