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Whacking Permalink Archive 11 May 2004 Joseph Wakim wishes to inform us we don't need to worry about Islamic extremism and terrorist attacks, because they're all fantasies invented in the racist mind of George W. Bush.
Joseph conveniently ignores how prisoners are treated in Arab jails (where the abuses we've seen in Abu Ghraib would make you a jailer's pet). He's more concerned with proving it's all a big Dubya lie. He knows this because of those wicked American movies:
Right on Joseph. Those whacky American screenwriters. What kind of racist mind does it take to think that Arab terrorists would actually murder thousands of New Yorkers, hijack airplanes and attack American embassies? As Joesph says...
Right. None of this stuff ever happened. Joseph makes the rather strange transition to describing the cover of a book written by Edward Said...
Personally, I'm a little skeptical that Dubya and his Nazi stormtroopers have had their worldview shaped by a French painting from 1880. Maybe, just maybe, the poor image of Arab culture might have something to do with an universal problem in Arab societies of vicious anti-semitism, hatred of women, corruption, honour killings, nepotism, sponsorship of terrorism, and a historical violent hostility toward non-muslim culture? To Wakim, none of these things are important. Everything is the fault of Westerners, or Western misperceptions. Then he has to gall to close with the following...
That's great Joseph. Arab culture was both great and progressive......centuries ago. Wakim cannot point to a single contribution the Arab world has given the human race in the modern age. The Arab world has no democracies. The Arab world produces no contributions toward science, technology or medicine. The Arab world has not one single country where a homosexual can live openly without being killed or jailed. The Arab world has not one single country where women have equal rights. The Arab world sits on a sea of black gold, yet the most population live in poverty. The Arab world allows Protocols of the elders of Zion and the vicious anti-semitic tirades of mad mullahs to be broadcast on state media. The Arab world has universities which seem only able to produce thousands upon thousands of fundamentalist theology graduates, and still requires foreign expertise to run their oil industries. The Arab world focuses its rage on a tiny country full of Jews which has produced a vibrant democracy with rule of law. Yet instead of trying to modernise their society to match it, the Arab world has spent generations attempting to exterminate it. Why? Because they're Jews. With none of the resources and a fraction of the population, the Israelis have produced a society no Arab country has ever come close to. Instead of seeking to improve itself, the Arab world has become consumed by its own impotence and barbarism, and openly seeks to exterminate the entire Jewish population of the Middle East, while not lifting a finger to assist their own population. Despite all this, the Arab world plays the victim. It's all the fault of racist Americans. It's all the fault of Israel. Not until the Arab world faces up to it's own sickness and decay will the West be willing to look on it without fear. Not until the Arab world stops teaching its children to be "martyrs", not until they form a political goal other than the extermination of Jews and westerners, not until they stop the abuse of women, not until they respect liberty and political freedom. Not
until they learn to love their own society more than they hate everyone
elses. Tight finances will prevent me from visiting Sydney this weekend for the Sydney Motorcycle Show. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I really wanted to see the Guzzi
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