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10 May 2004

Quote of the day

Why is it that when a white guy calls for the murder of Jews he is condemned without reservations - as, of course, he should be - but when an Arab calls for the murder of Jews people fall all over themselves to "understand" his anger?

- Damian Penny

Arab lunacy

Thanks to Damian for this too....

Margot Kingston thinks deeply

It's difficult to know how to respond to this skull-shattering stupidity....

Bush has spent more than $100 billion on this war so far. Imagine what could be done for Americans, and the world, with that amount of money.

If historical examples of government spending and foreign aid are anything to go by, the answer is "very little" Margot...

Imagine how a president with brains and courage could have united the Western world and moderate Muslims against Islamic extremism, and reduced the West's dependence on the oil that drives our persecution of Iraq?

No suggestions from Margot as to how such "uniting" could have been brought about. The muslim world seems not too concerned when Islamic freedom fighters slaughter a defenceless family, but seemed very upset when a couple of Hamas chiefs got turned into missile chowder. Guess that's all America's fault huh?

Still, Margot's not that far off. With just a few alterations to her paragraph, we get this:

Imagine how a muslim world with brains and courage could have united to fight Islamic extremism, to evolve their societies beyond medieval barbarism, to liberate women, to stop the insane genocidal hatred of Jews, to modernise their societies with the rule of law, equality for all and tolerance for others? Imagine what the muslim world could do with their vast sea of oil if only they decided that taking responsibility for their own societies was more desirable than crashing planes into skyscrapers and setting off bombs in Tel Aviv buses?

It pays not to ask questions like this though: common sense is generally a little traumatic for the ideologically correct.

Another Cantinera moment......

Anyway, yeah, got married. I don't feel different, which is good. It's like getting your period, really -- you are different, but you don't really notice it, except when you have to go get tampons. This time I have paperwork and tax cuts.

Cantinera loves fan mail and random adulation. E-mail me some and I'll pass it along to her.

Apology from Islamists expected soon....

While the world is going bonkers over some Iraqi prisoners being stripped naked, it seems stories like this aren't worthy of world condemnation:

Palestinian terrorists ambushed Jewish settlers there during an outdoor memorial service at the spot where Tali Hatuel and her four daughters were murdered last week.

At least three Palestinian terrorists opened fire early Sunday evening on several hundred mourners gathered at the murder site near the Kissufim crossing.

Lovely people. Let's give them a country!


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