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Quote of the day

Lastly, I do not need to be saved. I am not a bad person because I do not accept Jesus Christ as my savior. I am not faithless or without any kind of beliefs. I do not want my soul healed, there is nothing wrong with it. I do not want you to send me pamphlets. I am not an empty vessel. I am not evil.


More shameless capitalist lust

I want all my rich readers to buy me this stuff....................

Honda SP2

Dragunov Sniper Rifle

Honda Blackbird

Holden SS Ute

The greenies sure love their tyrants

The Green Left Weekly are squirting pints of semen again over Fidel Castro. They've printed an article by some diseased pond-scum cunt named Julie Webb-Pullman praising Castro's brutal island prison as a haven for freedom:

HAVANA — Shortly before dawn on June 12, I joined the throngs pouring through my central Havana neighbourhood to gather on the Malecon, before marching on the Spanish embassy to protest against the recently released European Union statement against Cuba.

I imagine her march didn't take her past the nice "sanitoriums" Mr. Castro constructed especially for use by homosexuals and AIDS sufferers.

The mood was inspired and inspiring; people of all ages, sizes and colours united in defence of their socialist revolution; of their freely chosen, popular, and highly respected government and president; and of their right to sovereignty and self-determination.

Freely chosen. Jesus H. Christ.

I was extremely proud, and humbled, to see this proud and dignified exhibition of what it is to be Cuban — strong, united, tolerant, intelligent, aware, assertive, fun, expressive, caring and committed.

She forgot a few words, like imprisoned, persecuted, harassed, tortured and murdered.

Next week in the Green Left Weekly: the Save Uday! pledge drive.

Iranian student protests: an American plot!!!!

Yes, you guessed it, it's the Green Left Weekly again. They never met a murderous, non-democratic regime they didn't like, and they're horrified by the thought that pro-American, pro-democracy students might overthrow the lovely tyrant mullahs and begin a democratic, free society. It's all NeoConJew regime-change cabal plotting apparently.

What to do about Iran?

An interesting post & discussion going on over at the ALS site.

Our nice Asian neighbours

Dr. Mahathir's 'All the filthy jews' keynote address was a big hit at this years UMNO conference

You remember Malaysia? One of those fine progressive little Asian societies the Labor party says we have to grovel to and be careful not to offend? (All under the guise of a nice "independent" foreign poilcy free of horrible Americans)

Well, it appears those Malaysians really do have a lot to teach us about correct cultural values:

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Officials of Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's party gave out copies of U.S. industrialist Henry Ford's anti-semitic book "The International Jew" to delegates at their annual assembly on Saturday.

The book, first published in the 1920s, also contained the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" -- originally published in Russia in the early 20th century and used down the decades to peddle theories of an international Jewish conspiracy.

Yeah, we really want these people as our allies. Why are we sticking with those filthy Americans?

(Thanks to Damian and LGF for the link)

I think I love Rudolph Guliani

Go gettem Rudy! The Euroweenie intellectuals will not be pleased. Mwahahaha.


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