Dog's Tits Brain
Police Two
Whacking Permalink Archive 18 July 2005 A collection of quotes from this week's Green Left Weekly: On July 13, Prime Minister John Howard announced that the federal Coalition government had decided to send Australian troops back to Afghanistan to help prop up the regime of US puppet President Hamid Karzai --- In all the coverage of the July 7 bombings in London, a basic truth is struggling to be heard. It is this: No-one doubts the atrocious inhumanity of those who planted the bombs, but no-one should also doubt that this has been coming since the day British PM Tony Blair joined US President George Bush in their bloody invasion and occupation of Iraq. These were “Blair's bombs”, and he ought not be allowed to evade culpability with yet another unctuous speech about “our way of life”, which his own rapacious violence in other countries has despoiled. --- However, the methods and outlook of the London bombers bear more resemblance to the actions of the US and allies in Iraq than the bulk of the forces engaged in armed resistance to the US-led occupation. --- Today Washington is trying to smear the Iraqi national liberation fighters with the “terrorist” tag. --- Our leaders tell us we are at war; why then should we be surprised at being bombed? Do governments really think we can “shock and awe” the 7.4 million Baghdadis and, from the comfort of our homes watching TV, enjoy the “fireworks” of missiles demolishing cars, houses, water treatment works, electricity supply stations with impunity? We are all electoral conscripts, even the politically apathetic, and so we are all complicit in the crimes carried out in our name, even if personally we are vehemently against the illegal invasion of Iraq. --- The young men who bombed London are considered by Kim Beazley to be “sub-human filth who must be eliminated”, but are in fact considered heroes in the same tradition that we celebrate. They gave their lives for God and country just like our young did at Gallipoli. --- There
are people with $3 million who really do feel that they are just scraping
by, and they will feel the same way when they have $30 million or $300
million. That’s why they keep trying to drive down our wages and
social benefits no matter how large their profits are already.
Crank site Truthseeker reports that conspiracy nut Joe Vialls is still alive after being struck down by a terrible illness:
Of course, there's something very suspicious about all this:
Of course you do. No dobt Joe's fearless analysis of the London bombings will deduce that "Wall St. Jews" carried out the attacks. Odd though that these Jews of Death can cause Tsunamis & cyclones, launch "mini-nuke" attacks all over the world, cause Concordes to crash and carry out the Sep.11 attacks, yet they can't kill a conspiracy nerd like Joe Vialls who lists his home address on his own website. Anyway, the Truthseeker's own archive of Joe's fascinating reports contain a few gems I hadn't noticed before, including: -
prevents lung cancer It's
all so exciting. Let us pray for Joe's speedy recovery.
- a review If this movie is accurate, Jackson Pollock spent his entire life passed out drunk, staring into space, or screaming in schitzoid rage. He threw some paint around too by the looks of things. Fascinating. I guess fans of the artist might find this all very profound: there's tons of wank dialogue about art theory and long, pointless silences. Harris and Marcia Gay Harden make one of the most chemistry-deprived couples in recent memory. No other character registers at all, beyond being bloody annoying Pointless
and dull. Avoid.
piece over at Frontpage.
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