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17 January 2005


Brisbane's online Wookie - Niall Cook - doesn't like my opinion of summer.

I Love Summer!

Rabid right-wing ridiculoso, Tex, can't take the heat. Get out of the kitchen then, Tex.

Thanks Niall. Advice appreciated. Now let me return the favour:

If you have a problem with slitty-eyed, slimy little Vietnamese sharing your urban spaces, maybe you should move out to the country, bwana.

Don't thank me, it was a pleasure.


The Imam speaks!

The Ask Imam "online fatwa resource" gives the latest pieces of guidance which Muslims with severe mental problems can use to cope with the horrors of the modern world......

Subject: children's books & toys

I note from previous responses on the subject that images of people and animals on toys and clothing are disapproved of. Given that almost all children’s books and toys have some form of image, does the Imam have any advice on how to avoid these? I am particularly concerned about educational toys and books which our children have little option but to use. Would the keeping of such toys and books be permitted if they are stored away in a utility room / shed or similar, i.e. away from the living and sleeping rooms?


1. Images of animate objects are not acceptable. However, in the case of toys or children’s educational books, you may purchase such items and deface the image in some way or the other. Where this is not possible, the books may be kept in the living area provided they are put away in a cupboard, etc.

2. You should avoid giving such books or toys to them. Yes, if the toy itself has itself has a small picture on it, you may give it to them. For example, a toy car with a small picture on it.

The idiot questioner also has infant children it seems...

Is it permitted for a father to bathe a baby or toddler, change soiled nappies, pour water over their private parts in order to inculcate the practice of instinja, wash bums after they have done toilet etc. To what extent did our Prophet engage in these activities with his children?

Ugggh. Islam, it seems, is not good for the brain.


With friends like these.......

I bet Prince Harry wishes he'd never worn that nazi uniform. Not only has he been widely condemned, but he's also gained some supporters he could do without:

Shock Jewish Double-Standard on Prince Harry

In 1290 AD, King Edward the First made a royal decision in parliament to banish all Jews from England. This statute was never repealed, meaning that all Jews in England today [though not necessarily in Scotland or Wales], are illegal immigrants subject to immediate deportation.


I do not normally comment on actions by religious groups or cults of any persuasion, but the recent massive worldwide Jewish attack on 20 year-old Prince Harry, son of Prince Charles and third in line for the British throne, cannot be allowed to go unchallenged and unanswered.


In brief, Prince Harry wore a hired WWII German Army Afrika Corps uniform complete with a swastika to a private fancy dress party. You think this is a big deal? Not at all, because over the last thirty years I have watched successive Jewish stage and film producers use identical uniforms and swastikas in multiple attempts to denigrate the German people in general, and so-called German 'Nazis' (National Socialists) in particular.

This deliberate western media demonization of the German people has been so successful, that nowadays in Germany itself it is impossible to deny 'The Jewish Holocaust' without being automatically thrown in prison for two years [no appeals considered] , and the swastika has been outlawed, despite its humble ancient origin representing the revolving sun, fire, or life.

The swastika was widely used in ancient Mesopotamian coinage as well as appearing in early Christian and Byzantium art, where it was known as the Gammadion Cross. It also appeared in South and Central America, widely used in Mayan art during the same time period. Certainly the swastika was adopted by Adolf Hitler for his flag, in the same way that Japan adopted the rising sun, but so what? Cynical readers should note that in 2005 the sun is still allowed to rise, even in Tokyo.


It is a documented historical fact that over many centuries, Jewish moneylenders managed to control the British and other thrones by stealth, using an international network staffed by financial experts who manipulated various kings and queens into fighting wars best suited to Jewish international interests. In Britain this was brought to an abrupt end by Edward I (nicknamed "Longshanks" by his affectionate subjects), who was outraged that a bunch of moneylenders would dare to tell him what to do. Was he, Edward, not the lawful King of England?


since the 17th Century, no politician has dared to repeal Edward the First's popular statute, which is still on the books today, in turn leading to Jewish moneylender determination to bring down the English [now British] monarchy at any cost, and by any means possible.
The reasoning behind this is very simple. Remove the British Monarchy, and the loyal Brigade of Guards which protects its members, and a corrupt British politician would repeal Edward's statute in a flash, thereby giving the international moneylenders de-facto control of the United Kingdom.


In its haste to demonize and vilify Prince Harry, the media pack made wild assumptions, deliberately invented words that Prince Charles did not utter to or against either of his sons, before wildly demanding that Prince Harry [and Prince Wiliam], be forced to visit Auschwitz to publicly acknowledge the 'terrble suffering of the Jews". Harry was then apparently supposed to visit the 'Holocaust Museum' in Nottingham, which is yet another tiresome Jewish instrument used to focus public attention on the suffering of an insignificant minority of the 57 million war dead, and 100+ million maimed and seriously injured in World War II.

Now then, if the Jewish lobbies were sincere in their apparent 'horror' of the German Nazis and the millions of deaths inflicted during World War II, they would have demanded that Prince Harry repent by going to visit British war cemeteries full of British war dead. Now think about this, people, think about it very carefully! Harry is British and a Protestant, and there are millions of British war dead available - so there can be no honest motive in trying to force the young Prince to attend garish and extravagant minority Jewish war memorials, frequently though unwittingly subsidised by British taxpayers.

Most readers will have heard the continual pathetic and emotional whining about "poinson gas beng used at Auschwitz", although there is no hard scientific evidence proving that it was. However, there is a wealth of hard evidence proving that poison gas was first used in war by a German Jew named Fritz Haber, who on his first day at the front managed to kill or blind between 5,000 and 15,000 British troops with chlorine gas at Ypres, France. Haber was later awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

There's lots more where this comes from. Including some fascinating Jewish-Moneylenders-murdered-Princess-Diana theories, a rant about Jewish "uncontrolled rage and iinsanity" [sic] and some truly wacko rambling on how Harry's teenage female admirers are now all going out and buying swastikas in defiance of the "Jewish lobby".

Oh, and Oliver Cromwell was a traitor to England because he didn't have the Jews wiped out.

No really. Go read.


Return of the Green Left Weekly

The Stalinists are back. Does anyone else think it slightly odd that these revolutionary numbskulls take their holidays during a season that is an excess of the horrors of Christianity and capitalism?

Anyway, their latest issue is a doozy. Some features include:

- an ejaculatory review of the Che Guevara movie.

- a plea to understand North Korea. (It's all the Americans' fault)

- this brilliant headline: "Chavez calls for world ‘anti-globalisation' network". So, its first act will be to disband itself?

- an inspirational letter from convicted Victorian union thug Craig Johnston to the Cuban Five:

My name is Craig Johnston. I am in prison in Australia for crimes against the capitalist state. Myself and 16 other trade unionists fought to defend our members’ jobs when they were sacked.

You could say that. You could also say Johnston destroyed property and assaulted people.

Cuba is a beacon of light for so many of us around the world.

Except for political opponents, homosexuals and anyone who actually wants to leave the place.

A working socialist system that looks after people, not massive profits for multinationals.

No democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, or freedom of association. Wonderful.

While I’m in jail, I’m studying Spanish as when I get out, I hope to travel to Cuba to see the revolution in action.

Maybe he could ask Fidel why he has murdered thousands of political opponents.

Fucking commie scum.



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