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More on the stupid "war-on-drugs"

News Corp. boofhead Piers Akerman is one of the many reasons I'd never call myself a conservative. In today's bizarro, rambling column, he starts off talking about Cheryl Kernot, then jumps to worldwide drug-legalisation conspiracies, and how just so darned evil is any thought of legalising drugs. As usual with anti-drugs moralist waffle, he can give no good reason why hard drugs should be not legalised.

The Daily Telegraph has long had it's head up its arse about the drugs issue, particularly under the editorship of Murdoch lickspittle Col Allan (who has since moved on - fittingly - to look after The John Gotti Fanzine), who - during the debate over the ACT's heroin trial - actually admitted he'd rather see kids dead than on drugs.

Aside from the moralist hyprocrisy of distinguishing between "good" legal drugs (booze, cigarettes), and nasty "bad" ones, and the whole libertarian argument of "it's my body, so mind your own business, asswipe", here are the cold hard facts on drug prohibition;

1- Prohibiting drugs cannot, does not, and never has reduced (let alone stopped) the usage and trafficking of narcotics. All the "get tough" policies, periodical "crackdowns", draconian jail terms and monumentally stupid american "Drug Czars" will never change this.

2- Prohibiting drugs causes people to consume them in varying, uncertain, dangerous dosage levels. It spreads disease and people die as a result of taking a bad dose away from medical help.

3- Drug prohibition massively increases crime rates: addicts commit crimes to pay for the street value of a product which could be sold cheaply. The income from illicit sales provides a massive stream of revenue for street gangs and drug cartels. Entire networks of criminals exist because of the prohibition on drugs. The prohibition on narcotics has been the greatest boost to organised crime in history.

4- Massive amount of publicly funded resources are required in the attempt to solve these problems, and yet every single one of these problems has gotten worse. We are all, in effect, paying lots of our tax money to create more crime and more health problems.

And you know what? Every single one of these problems would be improved by the legalisation of drugs.

- let pharmaceutical companies bid to produce safe, approved, consistent-dosage "hits" of heroin, coke and the rest
- let addicts shoot up the safe dosage in a clean facility under the watch of medical staff

The effects?

- huge reduction in fatal OD's.
- regular, consistent "hits" allow addicts to place some control back over their lives. No need to break in to a house and steal the CD player, no need to sell one's body. Simply the knowledge that they'll be able to get their hit, do it safely, and get help if they need it.
- a huge reduction in drug-related crime due to an easily affordable safe, regular and legal product.
- drug gangs and cartels face a drastic loss in revenue.
- police can actually go back to doing something useful, like catching murderers.
- prison space can be made available for - you know - actual criminals.
- less strain on the health system.

You're seeing the picture here: drug prohibition makes everything worse, legalisation makes everything better.

Don't expect any politicians to take up this line soon though. Logic has no more place in drug policy than it did in witch burnings.

I mean less dead kids...less crime...more effective policing and health services. What exactly is the problem here?

Tex in Sydney

Yo Sydney bloggers: I've got a free day in Sydney on Sunday 26th Jan. If you wish to join me in consumption of liquids/foodstuffs, let me know.


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