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9 February 2004

More car blogging

I really, really want a Mazda 6, especially the yummy sports-hatch version.

You can keep your RX-8. It does nada for me.

I thought they just made you fart

...and stupid quote of the day comes from the Socialist Worker, discussing white Australian racism:

Shane Warne's plea for baked beans during a tour of India says as much about the Australian mentality as his dietary habits.

This is the kind of Deep Political Analysis only commies are brave enough to give us.

Elsewhere in this month's issue:

• The two dopes jailed for vandalising the Sydney Opera House were apparently jailed for "political protest"

• As usual, our idiot commie friends are confusing conference majorities with popular opinion regarding illegal immigrants:

Latham and the factional strongarms used the full force of the party machine to crush the wishes of the conference majority.

Gosh, he's acting like a democrat. The horror.

Oh Jeebus

If I wind up on the same plane as this fucking nutjob, I'm gonna try to take him out ASAP:

An American Airlines pilot asked Christians on his flight to identify themselves and suggested the non-Christians discuss the faith with them, the airline said.

The case was handed over to the airline's personnel department for an investigation, spokesman Tim Wagner said today.

"It falls along the lines of a personal level of sharing that may not be appropriate for one of our employees to do while on the job," he said earlier.

American's Flight 34 was headed from Los Angeles to New York's John F Kennedy Airport on Friday when the pilot asked Christians on board to raise their hands, Wagner said.

The pilot, whose name was not released, told the airline that he then suggested the other passengers use the flight time to talk to the Christians about their faith, Wagner said.

Passenger Amanda Nelligan told WCBS-TV of New York that the pilot called non-Christians "crazy" and that his comments "felt like a threat". She said she and several others aboard were so worried they tried to call relatives on their cell phones before flight attendants assured them they were safe and that people on the ground had been notified about the pilot's comments.

This fella is in some serious need of on-the-job training.

Nice, lovely communists

You know, when I read stories like this, I comfort myself my remembering that the USA and Israel are much, much worse:

Estimates back in 1998 were that as many as 800,000 people were dying in North Korea each year from starvation and malnutrition caused by Kim's ruthless and irrational policies. World Vision, a Christian relief organization, calculated that 1 million to 2 million North Koreans had been killed by "a full-scale famine" largely of Pyongyang's creation.


Some 200,000 men, women, and children are held in these slave-labor camps; hundreds of thousands of others have perished in them over the years. Some of the camps are so hellish that 20 percent or more of their prisoners die from torture and abuse each year. The dead can be of any age: North Korea's longstanding policy is to imprison not only those accused of such "crimes" as practicing Christianity or complaining about North Korean life, but their entire families, including grandparents and grandchildren.


Soon Ok-lee, who spent seven years in another North Korean camp, described the use of prisoners as guinea pigs for biochemical weapons.

"An officer ordered me to select 50 healthy female prisoners," she testified. "One of the guards handed me a basket full of soaked cabbage, told me not to eat it, but to give it to the 50 women. I gave them out and heard a scream. . . . They were all screaming and vomiting blood. All who ate the cabbage leaves started violently vomiting blood and screaming with pain. It was hell. In less than 20 minutes, they were dead."

Gas chambers. Poisoned food. Torture. The murder of whole families. Massive death tolls. How much more do we need to know about North Korea's crimes before we act to stop them? How many more victims will be fed into the gas chambers before we cry out "never again!" -- and mean it?

Of course, it is nasty and unsophisticated to refer to North Korea as "evil". Filthy communist bastards.

The legacy of Lennox

Good bit over at East Side Boxing about where newly-retired heavyweight champ Lennox Lewis stands on the list of all-time greats.

Lennox is/was an odd duck. A wild and sloppy boxer in his early years, he matured into a great fighter in his thirties. If he could have overcome his occasionally sloppy discipline and lazy ego, he might have made it to the top off the all-time greats list.


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