Dog's Tits |
Whacking Permalink Archive 9-9-02 The road
to truth is long, and lined the entire way with annoying bastards.
dopes at The Mirror are
crying over the fate of those gentle souls held captive in Guantanamo
Bay. Sob, weep, sob. A lovely photo from the Hamas website Yeah man.
This poor oppressed fellow. All he wants is a fair hearing and he'll never
hurt another soul again. Let's sit him down and hear his grievances, feel
his pain. Let us all weep and beg him for forgiveness for our awful unIslamic
existence. Let's appoint him to the U.N. council on human rights and have
him lecture us on our corrupt perverted ways. Ooooh, I have never felt
so ashamed to be Australian! Scott has some thoughts on windbag Martin Woollacott's blubberings on the evils of the USA. Scott rightly concludes:
Coffee breaks
at work are becoming a trial. Having to listen to the same weary, sanctimonious,
smartass lefty mumbling every fucking day is doing my head in. It's the
predictable array of brain-dead pathetic bleatings about John Howard sucking
up to the warmongering Americans, and this morning, a hysterically stupid
comment that Iraq shouldn't have to cooperate with weapons inspectors
because Australia never cooperates with the UN. No, really.... Another superb essay from Christopher Hitchens you need to read right away.
James Russell at Hot Buttered death gives us another list of search strings by which every nut-job with access to a PC has been able to find his site. Some of my favourites: girls
spit huge gobs of saliva on the boys