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Why, Why, Why?

I'm not buying a dickmobile, thank you.

What is Phillip Adams on about?

Can anyone determine if his latest weekend column has anything to say other than "multiculturalism=good, white people = nazis"? This bit was particularly amusing;

Behold a simple message for those who fear social complexity – to those who condemn what we call multiculturalism. To those who fear that immigration from miscellaneous countries and cultures will place us in jeopardy.

In other words, the guy who has been squealing for forty bloody years about Hollywood cultural hegemony and insidious american global capitalism, is now telling us not to worry about it. Or is it a case of, "foreigners are welcome, just so long as there are no yanks"?

Another empty-headed Heckler

Fresh on the heels of Alex Damon, comes an even more hysterical "heckler" piece from the Sydney Morning Herald, courtesy of some drongo called Norm Christenson. This overgrown mummys-boy's piece is titled A pre-emptive strike against a presumption of innocence

A good idea is a good idea and good ideas don't come much better than George Bush's pre-emptive strike policy, shortly to be brought to you by General Jack Howard and Alexander The Grate. So good is this particular good idea that state governments are rushing to implement pre-emptive policing before their political opponents beat them to the punch.

This is the first paragraph. This is the only point he makes in the entire article. The remaining ten paragraphs are repetitions of feeble satire;

Special officers will, in future, be strategically placed inside the foyers of clubs and pubs. They will quickly eliminate those who will never offend - Volvo drivers, small men with large wives or skinny young ladies wearing tight pants and clutching $20 bottles of tap water.


They will however quickly spot those who are obviously part of the Axles of Evil. Drivers of those silly little cars with canvas tops, cars that make more noise than a taxi-ing 747 or, even worse (shudder), white delivery vans.


Police freed from checking speeding or drink-driving offences will now be available to tackle those crimes that affect all of us. No longer will the little old lady who tries to take 12 items through the 10-or-less checkout at the supermarket escape the opprobrium she deserves.

..and on, and on, and on it goes. Yes, we got your lame joke the first time Norm...why go on for another 600 bloody words? Do you even have a point? Yes, we understand you are upset about first-strikes against nice "presumed innocent" folk like Saddam Hussein and the North Koreans (cue violins), but you've penned a whole article and made no arguments to support you position.

This guy would make a worthy Fairfax columnist. They deserve no better.

Dubya, what's wrong with ya?

Thomas Friedman makes a damn good point in this article.

Since September 11 all we've heard out of this Bush team is how illegitimate violence is as a tool of diplomacy or politics, and how critical it is to oust Saddam Hussein to bring democracy to the Arab world. Yet last week, when a kangaroo court in Egypt, apparently acting on orders from President Hosni Mubarak, sentenced an ill, 63-year-old Saad Eddin Ibrahim to seven years "hard labour" for promoting democracy - for promoting the peaceful alternative to fundamentalist violence - the Bush-Cheney team sat on its hands.

The State Department, in a real profile in courage, said it was "deeply disappointed" by the conviction of Ibrahim, who holds a United States passport. Disappointed? I'm disappointed when the Baltimore Orioles lose. When an Egyptian President we give $2 billion a year to jails a pro-American democracy advocate, I'm outraged and expect the US to do something about it.

Bush has been strong and decisive is many respects in the war on terror, which makes his endless vacillating over issues like this and Saudi Arabia so inexcusable. A verbal condemnation is the least Bush can do here. To remain silent is a disgrace.


Shite weekend. Hurt my back, got a cold, and my throat feels like it's hosted sulphuric acid. I also read a loooong and utterly nauseating piece in the Canberra Times weekend edition praising Fidel Castro (not available online).

On the upside, I got myself a case of Crown Lager. Sorry Bailz.

He sed it first

Gaz Parker posts a bunch of good stuff today, inc. an arse-bollocking of mandatory detention critics.

Taliban-boy posts a classic

Jihad cheerleader Amir "Scimitar" Butler continues his endless stream of islamic fundamentalist propaganda. This one is a classic....

Until Turkey wakes up and realises that the one ideology that gave them honour and dignity was Islam, they will always be on this treadmill of humiliation at the hands of those whom they constantly seek acceptance from.

"honour and dignity" - um, I guess he means dressing women up like mummies and beating them to death, having a retarded koranic education system and the nauseating system of sharia law. Gosh Amir, how do they cope without these blessings?

Amir, my dear boy, Kemal Ataturk is the only reason Turkey is even close to being a modern, democratic nation. He was the one who dragged his islamic society out of the 7th century and implemented a modern cultural, education & economic system. If your nice friendly islamic clerics were still running things, Turkey would be a repressive third-world toiletbowl theocracy, along with the rest of the islamic world.