Dog's Tits |
Whacking Permalink Archive 2-10-02
- Soundgarden, "Ty
The ABC is repeating Beyond the Fatal Shore - the documentary TV series about the magical land of Aus through the eyes of New York-based aussie expat writer, and terminal bore, Robert Hughes. Hughes - who's been living in NYC since the early 70's and working (amongst other things) as TIME's art critic - proved himself to be hopelessly out-of-touch with this 6 hours of patronising wank. Hughes pays a quick visit to his homeland every couple of years to tell us how backward and racist we're becoming, how we're electing the wrong people and what way we should vote in constitutional referenda. What he doesn't do is pay any attention to what the hell is actually going on in the real world. His ideas of the country were pretty much what you'd expect from someone who hadn't lived here for over three decades. Lotsa cliched dreck about our convict past, outdated vernacular, waffling about our internal struggles to be a funloving people, and an abundance of idealist piffle about societal progress and anomie which the Radio National crowd love to talk about in North Sydney cafes. What
have the residents of NYC done to deserve such a prize? It's a wonder
they keep letting him back into that country. I wonder if we can persuade
them to make him stay there permanently.
Whacking Day disciple Sage McLaughlin has written a darn fine essay over at Winds of Change. Dude, you should have
stuck this in my Spleen
section. Check out da Cinderella
blog. Tis a fine one. Tyrant appeasing,
capitalist cabal conspiracy theories, USA-hating paranoia, anti-semitism...it's
all here. Like
many web loons, this dweeb is a big fan of TYPING IN UPPER CASE. The current edition contains vital new information........ - Dubya is trying
to kill everybody!!!! Fascinating reading. So labelling North Korea as "evil" is just language used by stupid cowboy americans, eh?
Don't expect Chomsky,
Pilger and other anti-american wankers to be expressing outrage about
this anytime soon.