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15 September 2003

Climaxing for Clinton

Oooh!! Do me with your big wand Bubba!!

Check out this load of simpering drivel from that noted cheesebrain Anne Summers, already recoiling from the upcoming visit of Evil Dubya, and pining for the days when we were visited by the world's most famous sex-predator.

Bush's presence is likely to trigger anti-US demonstrations of a kind we have not seen since October 1966 when president Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) became the first US president to visit Australia.


In November 1996 Bill and Hillary Clinton stayed in the country a whole five days. They shopped, went snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef, played golf and jogged (him), investigated women's issues (her) and generally relaxed. Everywhere they went, they were mobbed by friendly, even adoring crowds.

A notable highlight of the trip was on November 21 when Clinton stood in Sydney's Domain and addressed a lunchtime crowd. Thousands of people had streamed from the city to get a first-hand look at the famous president (and this was pre-Monica) and to have the incredible experience of hearing him speak in person.

That day Clinton looked ahead towards the 2000 Olympics and said he could not think of a better place for the athletes of the world to come together: he spoke eloquently of how Sydney was, in his eyes, a model multicultural city.


As Clinton spoke that day, many in the crowd were in tears. He had held up a mirror to our society and many, if not most, of those who were there preferred his image to the one being proffered by Hanson. We liked what he said about our city and, by implication, our country. We felt proud and we were moved.


Unlike Clinton, Bush will not brave an outdoor crowd. He will speak to the Australian people from the safety of the Federal Parliament. Given his reputation for rhetorical bumbling, we know not to expect to be inspired, let alone moved.

We can also not expect him to bomb pharmaceutical factories to distract the public from his weird sexual obessions, nor expect him to ignore several offers to hand over Osama Bin Laden on account of being too busy getting blowjobs in the oval office.

Stupid bint.

The Death Penalty

Top-notch article by my libertarian & ANU colleague Alex Robson.

Near-death experience

I made the mistake of channel surfing at 10.30pm and accidentally came across talentless commie Brit singer Billy Bragg singing some atonal dirge about Evil White People, or something. Fucking mullet.

Where can I buy this stuff?

Thanks to John B. for this: some bitchingly cool new-style PCs.

Living on the edge

Welcome to the latest thrillseeking activity: Extreme Ironing!

(Thanks to Dan for the link)

A crash-course in languages

This is great. I especially liked some of the useful french phrases:

We surrender!
Nous nous rendons!

Yum! Beaver cheese!
Yiaaaam! Du fromage de castor!

A pot of rabbit-noses in cream, please.
Une casserole de museau de lapin à la crème, s'il vous plaît.

I am not a saboteur disguised as a camembert. I am a real cheese, lieutenant. Honestly.
Je ne suis pas un saboteur en déguisément de camembert. Je suis un véritable fromage, Lieutenant. Je vous le jure.

My God! They're throwing Danish mustard! Run for your life!
Mon Dieu! Ils lancent de la moutarde danoise! Sauvez-vous!

Rationing? Is that a problem? Everything is edible.
Rationalisation? Cela pose-t-il problème? Tout est tout de même comestible.

Unfortunately I cannot come and eat poodle guts on Friday. I'm attending a revolution.
Je ne puis malheureusement pas venir à votre dîner d'intestins de caniche ce vendredi. Je participe à une révolution.

Mommy, when I grow up, I want a whole farm of cows with a cold, so we can always eat cattle snot.
Maman, quand je serais grande je veux être propriétaire d'une ferme entière de vaches enrhumées, ainsi nous pouvons toujours manger de la morve de bétail.

Tell me, have you ever eaten an exploded pacific isle? Me neither. We must do something about it.
Dis-moi, as-tu déjà mangé de l'île de l'océan pacifique sautée? Moi non-plus. Il faut qu'on fasse quelque chose.

(Thanks for Carol for the heads-up.)


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