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17 October 2007

Quote of the day

Strange site at first viewing this Whacking day. Bit like watching channel 10 coverage of the GP with ad grabs of Picture magazine and anarchistic pinko bashing thrown in. Have to look a bit more thoroughly to get the gist.

- a poster at the forums


Gratuitous babe picture

Tera Patrick


Inside every communist is a sociopath

Usenet communist 'Fran' (with whom I tangled here) gives us a display of her charming morals:

On refugees from Vietnam after the communist takeover.....

Murderous collaborators leaving the mess they'd been part of after the US had been defeated on the battlefield

They were both refugees AND collaborators. That's why they feared "persecution".

These people were at best, the beneficiaries of their suffering and often played an active part in it. A number were 'rehabilitated'.

They supported a murderous regime -- so they were accessories before and after the fact. You can't support a gang of criminals and then cry innocent.

On supporting the heroic North Vietnamese regime....

Cheering the downfall of a bunch of criminals propped up by Washington Inc. Yes, I was and am proud. The Vietnamese paid a high price for their courage, but their blood sacrifice undoubtedly stayed the hand of Washington in the years that followed, and everyone whose country was spared an invasion by the US is in their debt.

Oh, and as to the genocide committed by Stalin and Mao, it was all the west's fault....

One can but observe that the rise of Stalin was a direct consequence of the enfeeblement of Russian capitalism by WW1 and the attempt to pressgang the Russian Bolsheviks into contining the war and repaying their Tsarist war debts, so in a very real sense, most of the deaths there can be lain too at the feet of the Entente and Alliance powers.

So too can the bulk of the deaths under Mao. Chiang Kai Shek, acting at the behest of Western Imperialism, put down the Shanghai workers bloodily despite the fact that Stalin, in 1927 had demanded that the CCP cooperate with him. There followed a long period of brutal KMT repression and then the invasion of Japanese imperialism, which of course, the KMT could not resist, precisely because they had no standing amongst the people. Even then though, following the defeat of the Japanese, Mao offered Chiang Kai Shek a role in the post-War arrangements -- the 'bloc of four classes' but instead he fled to Taiwan. China was a near fedual country with virtually no history of democracy, bar a brief flirtation under Sun Yat Sen early in the century. As with Russia, old patterns of rule soon reasserted themselves and the only institution capable of martialling the populace to meet the challeneges of agrarian reform, literacy and industrialisation -- the PLA became the core of the state.

But none of this really has much to do with 'communism' or 'Marxism' in any meaningful sense.


Such a deep concern for life and liberty.


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