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The Very Deep Thoughts of Laurence Fishburne

Larry Fishburne in Too Many Honkies

Visiting Hollywood dullard Larry Fishburne reckons Australia has a racist "vibe", despite not being subject to a single racist incident at any time while in the country.

His reason? There are too many creepy white people:

"The only way for you to really get this is you need to go to a country where there is nothing but black people and you need to be there for a month and a half or two months and you need to be in a room one day when you are the only white person in a room and then you'll get it.

"My first experience was that it was kind of isolated but then after the Olympics, a lot of people of colour arrived in Sydney and decided 'This is nice, I'm going to stay here'.

Nice to know skin colour rather than behaviour is what matters to you Larry. Damn this immoral pale skin.

Piss off home, you racist buttfuck.

obert Manne and Play School politics

Noone displays the wretched depths of progressive self-hatred than La Trobe University professor Robert Manne. Under the guise of offering his ivory tower wisdoms to the ignorant redneck populace, Australia's self-appointed Professor of White Guilt and PC Angst offers a childish appeal for the return of two-time loser Kim Beazley, to rescue the nation from the electoral clutches of the wicked John Howard.

Professor Manne displays culturally correct nose-picking technique

Manne - unable to accept the reality of democratic elections - offers dictatorial fantasies for the death of his perpetually unpopular progressive dogmas:

Howard has described himself as the most conservative prime minister in our history. This is an accurate assessment. In seven years of office he has killed off the prospect for an Australian republic and for Aboriginal reconciliation.

By failing to mention that the republic model was rejected by the Australian public in a referendum, Manne - as with all Howard-hating squawkers - displays the typical progressive/leftist hatred of democratic practice.

The desparate and self-delusional reduction of popular democratic opinion to the fantasy of the Evil Howard Autocracy might be excusable for high-school hairy-armpit activists, but Manne's moaning shows the vacuous infanitilism to which the progressive psyche in this country has plummeted.

As part of his juvenile thesis, the good professor offers fuzzy-logic and Whitlamite nostalgia to show the horrible destruction Howard has spread to his beloved ideological pets;

Under his prime ministership, the genuinely interesting conversation we once conducted about Britishness and multiculturalism has been closed.

What exactly is this piffle? The mumbling about this mythic "conversation" is an attempt to deny the reality that the leftist elites were talking entirely amongst themselves, and now cry repression to explain the utter indifference displayed by the ignorant bastards in the everyday public who - gasp - actually voted for the coalition.

Under him the quest for an independent Australian foreign policy has been abandoned in favour of a return to the tradition of seeking our security through service and loyalty to a great and powerful friend.

And here we inevitably hop to the geopolitcal bizarroworld of the progressive left: Keating's underhand dealings with the the brutal Indoniesian junta, humiliating kowtowing to Malaysia's thug PM, and the softlee-softlee approach with Singapore's police-state autocrats, is seen as the actions of a progressive visionary, while strengthening ties with our most important ally is a sign of evil white-boy colonial tradition and subservience to the evil yanks.

Manne goes on to treat us to some neo-luddite dreck, with a grab-bag of unsubstantiated anti-capitalist blubberings to whimper for the return of the 'big hearted' Beazley, based on some vague commentary offered by the two-time Labor loser in The Bulletin:

In the new economy, relations between individuals and corporations, both private and public, have deteriorated seriously, seen for example in the generalised hostility concerning the behaviour of the banks. In the new economy, as part-time and temporary employment has grown, the experience of the workplace has also deteriorated, with employees increasingly concerned about the unreasonable demands placed on them regarding hours and overtime, about the pressures to compete with fellow workers, above all about the insecurity of their jobs, and thus, their lives.

Under the neo-liberal dispensation, then, what many people seem to yearn for is a world in which they are treated not as consumers or as dispensable cogs in an indifferent machine but as citizens and as human beings. In placing the idea of respect at the centre of a new politics and, presumably, at the centre of the new Labor party policy program he will initiate, Beazley seems to me to have stumbled upon something both important and profound.

Manne - a respected intellectual - honestly puts forth this meaningless garbage about respect being put forth as actual policy by a Federal leader. He gives no examples of course, so we don't get to see this brave new world of Teddy Bear Fiscal Policy and Warm Cuddles Economics. Not that this would matter to Manne, who - like all progressives - values correct language and good vibes over effective management and selling your ideas to voters rather than intellectuals.

For God's sake, grow up.

Another great reason to hate communists

Murdering bastards.

Chocolate & protestors

Couple of good posts from Steve Dawson at the Aus Libertarian site. We have similar views on arts subsidies too.



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