The Dog's Tits The Watchtower Brain Police Encomium Jeebus Wankers
The answer is a resounding "no"
Good riddance. But where will the thousands of desperate fame-hungry sluts and rock-apes go to find their 15 minutes now? I guess some brothels may be hiring.
Busty American "glamour model" Erica Campbell has quit after finding Jesus. Religion has robbed the world of one of the world's greatest pair of boobs. This "god" character has a lot to answer for.
The jabbering loon now has his own channel.
Andrew Bolt, who should know better, is crapping on again about Richard Pratt and the dreaded evil of "price fixing". Just have a look at the fools in the comments section. Unable to make any logical defence of criminal sanctions against people setting a price for their own property, the screeching imbeciles give us shite like this:
And to think: these stupid fucking micro-encephaloids actually get to vote.
From the dear-departed Jew-hating uberkook Joe Vialls, back in December 2004:
It was all set to be crushed by the fearsome axis of Vladimir Putin, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. Bwehehe. I'm also curious as to what happened regarding Joe's other predictions: - Vladimir Putin would nuke Israel in revenge for the Beslan massacre (which was of course committed by the Mossad). Good old Wacky Joe. How poorer we are not having him around any more.
Utterly clueless arthouse film director Peter Greenaway informs us he has single-handedly destroyed the movie industry and created an amazing new art form. - he's shone flashing lights on a painting. Ooooh. Poita wants us all to marvel at his revolutionary genius, because he's like "unified" arts forms and created interactivity. "Hey kids!! Why watch stupid movies when I've created something using lights and together and shit!". Ooooh! It provides remarkable comedy value when a condescending arthaus twit finally discovers decades-old concepts teenagers have been enjoying in the form of (among other things) rave parties and videogames - and the fucking clueless old fart actually thinks he's a cultural revolutionary because he's discovered "technology".
My lady and I have become hooked on these folks: I've always hated these instant-noodle type places, where your boxed noodle meal is usually consists of shit like wet cabbage filler and horrible cheap, overpowering Asian sauces. There are set combo meals, but most customers concoct their own dish; First, you choose your box size (even 'small' is a great, fulfilling meal) Next, pick your noodle type (five different types, all delicious, or even rice if you like) Next, you pick your sauce (I usually get satay or curry, lady gets Mongolian or oyster 'n soy) Next, you pick your veggies (we always say "none", which means you get more noodles and meat) Last, choose your meat, which is always of good quality. If you live near one of these, you simply must try them. The best bang-for-buck meal you can get. Unfortunately for most of you, there are only two of them, and both are in Canberra.
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